Friday, August 29, 2008

Getting to know me

Admittedly, the title is a bit cliche and my friend Val would scold me for taking the easy road with a too frequently used song title. On the other hand, I'm just trying to get some words on the blog so I can see how it'll turn out.

Summer seems to end this weekend with the Labor Day holiday. For me, there never can be enough summer. Fall is my melancholy season as all too soon winter drops into the scene with its inconveniences that include cold, ice, parking lots with snow banks, heavy clothes, and never enough sun to keep everyone from SAD.

One day, I'll probably look back on this blog post and hang my head in shame from knowing I can do better. Maybe this electronic journal will get me back to writing creatively and putting some thoughts out into cyberspace. I'll reveal my first blog experience at a later time. Until then, keep gazing!